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Blog | Apr 29, 2024

Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Construction

Making strides toward a more vibrant and inclusive workplace is something HITT is proud to do year-round. But every April, we make a point to highlight team member stories in honor of Celebrate Diversity Month!

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE+I) are at the forefront of our company priorities. We’re proud to have a diverse mix of team members from various backgrounds and experience levels who all come to HITT for the same reason: their love of building. Through the creation of employee resource groups (ERGs), such as the Black Leadership Network, HITT Veterans, and Women of HITT, we’re driving real change and creating impactful conversations about DE+I in the workplace. Combined, nearly 400 team members from coast to coast participate in ERGs to take advantage of the community, events, mentorship programs, and more.

For Celebrate Diversity Month, we highlighted some of our team members and their unique stories and experiences across our social media. Here are some of the insights shared about the importance of celebrating diversity year-round:

Project Manager Kelsey McWilliams, Mission Critical

Pride Alliance, Black Leadership Network, and Women of HITT ERG Member: “DE+I breeds innovation. If you are in a room of six people, and everyone looks the same, grew up with the same background, etc., there’s only so many new ideas or topics that can be brought up. Diversity allows for differing opinions, cultural experiences, and creates beautiful products.”

Assistant Superintendent Mason Hitt, Corporate OfficeBase Building & Multifamily
Veterans of HITT ERG Member
: “As a member of the military myself, I believe it’s important to celebrate veterans because of the sacrifices they’ve made to protect the freedoms we all tend to take for granted. Like any diverse group, they often have specific experiences that have allowed them to develop traits, characteristics, and perspectives that are unique to them. A diverse team brings a wider variety of tools to the table and not only benefits the growth of all team members involved but allows that team to operate more effectively and get the job done!”

Project Manager Tommy Smith, Austin

Building Leaders ERG Member: “DE+I helps build a company that is better equipped to meet the needs of our diverse client base. Every project, pursuit, and corporate goal has its challenges, it is important to foster a work culture where everyone feels included and supported.”

Senior Superintendent Karlee Loftus, Mission Critical

Parents of HITT and Women of HITT ERG Member: “Living in a diverse world means you are constantly introduced to new ideas and different ways of thinking. It keeps our world always bright and changing.”

Administrative Manager Karla Wasilko, Headquarters

Hispanic Outreach Leadership Alliance ERG Member: “Celebrating diversity at HITT is such a beautiful and exciting opportunity. It allows all of us to share who we are, our roots, and our heritage.”

We’re grateful to these team members for sharing their insights. Learn more about diversity, equity, and inclusion at HITT here.

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